free flying mind?

Dieser (Poetry) Text entstand auf Englisch, bekam kurz darauf einen deutschen NachfolgerCreative Commons Lizenzvertrag

free flying mind?

I’m sitting here, hush, and listening to what I must learn – Oh, I hate it so much!
I like to leave, to move around and to work with my head – three topics at the same time:
I like to check out things, to analyse and explore using my bare hands
Discover the world with my eagle eyes; find new perspectives then the most.

I’m highly gifted, nobody realizes!
I’m a sii-kid, a special intelligent interested kid
Please help me – try to understand my nature!

Nobody gets what I’m able to do, how fast I can think.
Who cares about my creativity? My ideas?
People saw me being hyperactive, they responded being irritated
Often, I’m living in my own world – being solitary as a wolf.

I’m highly gifted, nobody realizes!
I’m a sii-kid, a special intelligent interested kid
Please help me – try to understand my nature!

I have all the cognitive skills to change the world.
To develop new things – products and more.
But not by walking the common route. I can’t play the standard rules.
I will not be a white tiger in a cage! 

I’m highly gifted, nobody realizes!
I’m a sii-kid, a special intelligent interested kid
Please help me – try to understand my nature!

How can I get happy? What would I need?

I need friends, loving to discuss with me
A family, exercising lots of patience
And teachers, who accept me, who provide exiting, vivid projects
Help my mind to fly free as a bird!

I’m highly gifted, nobody realizes!
I’m a sii-kid, a special intelligent interested kid
Please help me – try to understand my nature!

Will I find like-minded people and a world accepting, aiding me?
Then you will see a very, very sensitive little person;
Who will provide a lot of surprise und rewarding facets –
I’m a Sii-Kid who could enrich your living.

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag Autor / ©: Susanne Braun-Speck, Großhansdorf, 2/2011 (jetzt: 23858 Reinfeld) siehe auch Titelschutzanzeige:  „free flying mind“ von Susanne Braun-Speck steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung – Nicht-kommerziell – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.
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